对于运营 TikTok 账号的人来说,TikTok 个人简介是相当重要的,它是给别人的第一印象。只有印象良好,别人才会点击进入您的页面查看您的信息,这对于账号运营是很有益处的。那么接下来就为大家介绍一下 TikTok 个人简介文案的英文该怎么写?
TikTok 个人简介文案英文
1、No one like you. 无人如你。
2、Life is not a matter of a day. 人生无一日不重要。
3、The more deeply love, the more hurt. 爱得越深,伤得越重。
4、Without victory, there is no survival. 没有胜利,就没有生存。
5、You can cry, But you can not lose. 你可以哭泣,但不能认输。
6、All things in their being are good for something. 天生我材必有用。
7、He is the most blue sea of my youth. 他是我年少时最湛蓝的海。
8、Respect is not given. It is earned. 自尊非他人所予,而是自己挣得。
9、A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 一个人可以被毁灭,却不可被击败。
10、I like you this thing, too direct, no way to turn. 我喜欢你这件事,太过直接,无从拐弯。
11、No matter how strong you are, someone will always be your fatal. 无论你多么强大,总有人会是你的致命伤。
12、The face is full of disappointment can only be said to be all right. 满脸失望也只能强颜说没事。
13、I wish you to become your own sun, no need to rely on who’s light. 愿你成为自己的太阳,无需凭借谁的光芒。
14、We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public. 我们从未真正长大,只是学会了在公众面前如何表现。
15、Empty heart is the best gift; alone the way is the most beautiful scenery. (放空心灵是最好的礼物;独自前行是最美的风景。)
TikTok 直播间欢迎话术
话术目的:让进入 TikTok 直播间的国外访客,感受到真诚与温暖,感觉自己“被看到”、“被重视”,从而留在直播间。
举例 1:欢迎直播间的朋友们,如果是第一次刷到我的直播间可以打“new”,如果是老粉可以打“regular”.
举例 2:Hi, XXX, Welcome my new friends! How are you? / Where are you from?
举例 3:OMG, let's see wow who’s just coming? XXX nice to see you again.
TikTok 直播间互动话术
举例 1:觉得这件衣服主播穿上好看的扣 beautiful.
举例 2:Hey guys! Where are you from! I really wanna know it.
举例 3:Follow me, no follow, cannot find me again!
TikTok 直播间带货话术
举例 1:Come on! Get it now! Only today, more freebie!
举例 2:This is very good quality. I only offer you guys the good quality product.
举例 3:Let's Pin this out, it's the time now! If you like it, buy it now! (备注:需场控掌握时机配合将产品链接 Pin 到直播间)
TikTok 直播间感谢话术
话术目的:感谢应成为 TikTok 主播的一种习惯,这样能与粉丝建立深度连接,让直播间拥有固定的老粉丝,粉丝粘性更好。用户下单了、互动了、点赞了等等,都可以表达感谢。
举例 1:Thank u for following/company/being with me. Thank you guys. Love you all.
举例 2:You’re brilliant/You have smart eyes/You’re fantastic. Thank you for staying with us and joining us.
举例 3:Thank u for giving me a lot of likes. Have a good one.